Ogatsu Suzuri Association
Artist : Ogatsu Suzuri Association
Material : Ogatsu Stone
Area : Ogatsu town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
Ogatsu stone is so glossy black that it is said to be as beautiful as a Japanese woman's black hair.
Ogatsu stone, which is mined only in Ogatsu-cho, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture,
is also called Gensho-seki, and its name comes from the words "gen",
which means black, and "sho", which means beautiful.
Since the Muromachi period, it has been highly valued as a Suzuri (calligraphy inkstone) ,
and in the Meiji period, it has come to be valued as a building material.
Slate material made from Ogatsu stone has been used in many buildings
because it is resistant to bending and has a low water supply rate, so it does not deteriorate.
The roof of the station building at Tokyo Station is one such example,
and has maintained its elegant appearance even after many years.
They started making tableware about 20 years ago.
The natural texture of the split stone surface and the jet black appearance complement
all kinds of dishes and create a high-quality dining table.
[ Profile▼ ]
- 1984
- Ogatsu Suzuri Association established
- 1985年
- Indicated amongst National Traditional Crafts of Japan
- 2011
- the Great East Japan Earthquake
Devastated by tsunami
- 2012
- With the restoration of the quarry mountain access road,
quarrying work resumed for the first time after the earthquake.
- 2014
- Issuance of trademark registration by the Commissioner of the Patent Office