Yuka Ando
Material : pottery stone / pottery clay
Area : TambaSasayama, Hyogo Prefecture
Yuka Ando makes pottery in TambaSasayama, Hyogo Prefecture.
Her works have beautiful colors like the sky.
[ Profile ]
- 1982
- Born in Osaka and raised in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture.
- 2005
- Graduated from California State University, finance and international business.
- 2007
- Got a position in a company in Los Angeles.
- 2009
- After quitting her job and leaving from Los Angeles, she went to pottery training school in Kyoto.
Studied under ceramic artist Masahiko Ichino.
- 2012
- Stayed in Denmark and returned to Hyogo prefecture Japan the following year.
- 2016
- Moved her studio to Himi City, Toyama Prefecture.
- 2021
- Moved her studio to TambaSasayama, Hyogo Prefecture.